Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are managed services?

    One of the most common questions we are asked is, “What are Managed IT Services?” The simple answer is Managed IT Services are peace of mind for your business.Read More

  • What Are Separate Components of Managed IT Services?

    In the area of Managed IT services, there are three, primary components, that requires some form of mandatory and ongoing monitoring and management.Read More

  • What IT functions are delivered through Managed Services?

    The different varieties of managed IT functions will vary. However, should you only want to outsource a single service, i.e., managed communications, a third party MSP would assist you.Read More

  • What is Hardware as a Service? (HaaS)

    The option is known as Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS). Managed IT service companies in Atlanta are seeing more businesses moving to this model.Read More

  • What are the benefits to Managed Services?

    The benefits of managed IT services allow Atlanta businesses to use technology to better serve customers, or financial firms to balance the books and avoid margins of error, or law firms to secure and maintain client records.Read More

  • What are the challenges of Managed Services?

    Believe it or not, there are challenges when using managed IT services. It might be the client’s in-house IT department resistance to change, bad experience with a service provider or sticker shock from a price that’s more than you expected.Read More

  • How do I buy Managed Services?

    The simple answer is, you purchase managed services on a monthly subscription plan. What’s, in that plan, will determine what types of IT Managed services and support is needed.Read More

  • How much should Managed Services cost?

    When you call around, trying to find out how much should IT Managed Services cost, you’ll quickly discover that pricing isn’t uniform. The answers you’ll receive will vary and go from confusing to outright frustrating.Read More

  • What you should consider before signing a managed services agreement?

    What happens after signing your Managed Service Agreement? The implementation of a contract marks the starting point, for both you and the service provider.Read More

  • Questions to ask when hiring an IT Company

    As you’ve been following along, you have a clearer idea of what outsourcing your IT responsibilities to a managed service provider entails.Read More

  • How to Develop a Business Case for Managed IT

    Any managed services provider can promise, potential benefits will exist for businesses, who adopt an IT Managed Service Structure (MSS).Read More