Atlanta IT Support

Start saving money now. Hire Centerpoint IT as your trusted Atlanta IT support company. Reach out and get a support quote immediately.

Atlanta IT Support Guaranteed To Save You Money

Let’s face it; outsourcing IT support for your Atlanta business’s network and systems is not child’s play. Any mistake leading to hiring the wrong IT support company firm can result in substantial downtime and potential revenue loss. Many Atlanta IT support companies pose as reliable experts in their fields, often announcing tons of promises to their prospects and clients. But do they walk their talk? You wish!

However, we, at Centerpoint IT, are here to change the narrative. Unlike others who promise to deliver service before assessing your business and gauging it against their capacity, we take an entirely different approach. We want to know you and your Atlanta business first to see if there’s a fit for your area of challenge. Hence, we only partner with companies that value technology and are looking for specialists that truly make IT simple.

If, and only if you’re that goal-driven company, then you can self-schedule a 15-minute no-obligation video call to shed more light on your business-specific IT issue. That being said, let’s now switch focus to our end-to-end IT support and services to help you eliminate day-to-day business challenges and steer growth. These include:

  • Business continuity
  • Network security and cybersecurity solutions
  • Help desk support
  • Virtual CIO services
  • Data archiving solutions

Top Atlanta IT Support By Centerpoint IT

Business Continuity

Business disruptions can cause colossal financial losses in lost productivity hours and sales. These disruptions can take multiple shapes, including cyberattacks, system crashes, natural disasters, or office relocation. And when they occur, you must be prepared with a clear-cut plan to carry on with business operations uninterrupted, maintain compliance, minimize unproductive downtime, and enhance customer satisfaction.

The question is, what does it take to prepare for emergencies to keep business operations alive even if you get caught unaware? That’s where a reliable Atlanta IT support provider like Centerpoint comes in! We can help you develop and implement a future-proof business continuity strategy that will prevent disruptions from bringing you down.

Our approach towards developing a multi-faceted business continuity plan involves:

  • Considering all worst-case scenarios and understanding the consequences if a disaster were to occur.
  • Document all your resources, including employees, technology assets, external contacts, etc., to better understand your business.
  • Identifying vital documentation and backing them up to ensure they’re accessible even during emergencies.
  • Identifying and documenting all potential risks to help plan on how to avoid them.
  • Developing a strategy on how to protect vital assets, show your team how to respond to an emergency, and reduce potential downtime.
  • Determining the precise technology solutions that can be relied upon to mitigate each risk that occurs.
  • Backing up all your data regularly and ensuring that the backup system operates optimally.
  • Testing the business continuity plan frequently to stay current with the IT environment, market trends, operational structure, etc.

Data Archiving Solutions

Effective data management is influential in enhancing productivity, achieving operational efficiency, and avoiding risk exposure. That’s why having the best data archiving solution is critical for enabling safe, secure, and efficient data handling for businesses of all types and with diverse needs.

At Centerpoint, we have a one-of-a-kind data archiving solution that we call View. This is an analytics-driven solution that makes it hassle-free for businesses to archive, search, and act on unstructured communications data. Thus, you can extract more valuable and actionable data from your communications. Essentially, if you’re tired of scrolling through hundreds of email pages to find what you need, View gives you a more straightforward solution to achieve that feat by utilizing the innovative search application technology. That means you can discover any data in your hands within a few clicks.

But that’s not even the best part; View data archiving solution also comes with the following awe-inspiring features and capabilities:

  • Advanced Query options to supplement the simple search app technology.
  • Capability to place search contents on hold for later usage.
  • Capability to save a search, export it, and share it with other authorized users.
  • Automated policy management, enabling you to archive data according to size, type, and age as well as schedule your archiving activities flexibly.
  • Economical backup optimization. This feature reduces content volume by archiving aged ones.
  • Smart storage optimization. Similar to backup optimization, this feature frees up file system capacity by eliminating outdated content.

Network Security and Cybersecurity Solutions

Cybercrime is the no.1 threat to the world’s economy, affecting modern businesses now more than ever. Without the most up-to-date and airtight security measures, your business can fall prey to the unforgiving cyber threat actors, who don’t hold back at compromising your sensitive data and exploiting your systems.

Thankfully, Centerpoint is here to help keep you safe through a fully managed security solution with end-user reporting. We offer extensive network and cybersecurity support and services to seal every loophole in your IT infrastructure. These include:

  • End-to-end encryption
  • Email filtering
  • Email continuity services
  • Full-fledged WiFi management with Bluesocket technology
  • Use of Sonicwall, the best-proven firewall technology that protects your network against external threats
  • Antivirus and antimalware protection
  • Employee monitoring services
  • Penetration testing services to help assess your security preparedness against top-bar intrusive methods and techniques.

Virtual CIO (vCIO) Services

Our Atlanta IT support specialists also offer vCIO services, providing your business with expert guidance necessary to plan for the future. In our role as your company’s virtual CIO, we formulate strategic IT goals and align them with your distinct needs to help achieve real business success.

But what sets us apart from other vCIOs in the market? Unlike our competitors, we understand that you can’t devise a strategy without the appropriate info. That’s why we take the first 2-3 months to collect and analyze critical data that help create a clear road map for assisting your business to achieve the following benefits:

  • Optimal productivity
  • Reduced downtime and business disruptions
  • Effective communication
  • Better time management
  • Enhanced and personalized security measures
  • Increased return on IT investments

Help Desk Support

Experiencing a technicality relating to computer systems, software, or hardware isn’t news in the tech world. However, these issues can keep you grounded, disrupting productivity and business processes if not resolved instantaneously. That’s where our help desk support specialists come in handy. We’re always ready and happy to answer your questions and address system-and-user issues in a timely and professional manner, minimizing downtime and enhancing business continuity.

Our support specialists can help you overcome frustrating IT issues in three easy steps:

Step 1: Ticket Initiation

Since you can’t always anticipate when you’ll experience a technical hiccup, you’re free to initiate a ticket regarding your challenge in three simple ways. You can email us via, call us through (404) 777-0147, or submit your ticket directly via our web-based portal.

Step 2: Performance of Service

Upon reception, your request will be placed in the queue depending on the problem’s severity and the time and date it was received. You’ll then have a select specialist who’ll shed more light on the issue and clarify it extensively. Of course, if you’re one of our managed service clients, your request will receive a higher priority in the queue, enabling faster resolution.

Step 3: Ticket Resolution

After the ticket has been resolved to your satisfaction, you’ll receive a summary email detailing all the work done. If you have further concerns with the resolution at this point, you can follow up until everything matches your satisfaction.

Centerpoint is Your No.1 Atlanta IT Support Partner!

At Centerpoint IT, our goal is to ensure that everyone uses technology as a growth enabler and not a hindrance. That’s why our highly educated and experienced Atlanta IT support professionals are always happy to help you overcome everyday challenges through innovative solutions like business continuity planning, network security services, help desk support, and more.

So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with one of our experts today for a comprehensive assessment of your IT infrastructure.