5 “MUST ASK” Questions: Shopping For A New Phone System In Roswell, GA (2018 Information)

The other day a small auto shop in Roswell GA visited the Centerpoint IT website and asked us if we do phone systems for auto shops.  Well of course we do, but that’s just the beginning. The Centerpoint team helps auto shops, startups, professional service firms, and others turn their phone systems into drivers of collaboration, efficiency, and savings. Keep reading to find out more!

The other day a small auto shop in Roswell GA visited the Centerpoint IT website and asked us if we do phone systems for auto shops.  Well of course we do, but that’s just the beginning. The Centerpoint team helps auto shops, startups, professional service firms, and others turn their phone systems into drivers of collaboration, efficiency, and savings. Keep reading to find out more!

Have You Considered the New Phone Systems Available to Roswell GA Companies?

Telephone Systems Roswell GA

The Centerpoint IT team gets phone calls on a regular basis from smaller companies – like our friends at the auto shop – looking for better phone systems than the old landline systems that have been in use for the past half-century.

What do we tell them?

We take the time to introduce them to their options and the benefits they could be harnessing for their business.

What about you?

The fact that you are still reading this article likely means that you are in the market for a new telephone system. So, let’s get right to answering your questions.

“I’ve been hearing about VoIP phone systems, what’s VoIP?”

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. To put things more simply, VoIP phones send a signal over the new internet infrastructure instead of overhead telephone wires.

“Are VoIP phones an untested technology fad?”

No, the majority of Fortune 500 companies have been using VoIP technology for nearly a decade now. VoIP isn’t a technology novelty or a passing tech fad. VoIP is here to stay and has become the choice of companies that are replacing their landline-based systems.

“Why should a small Roswell, GA business – like an auto shop – be considering VoIP business telephones?”

We understand your thinking here…

You’re thinking, “Just because the big boys are using VoIP, doesn’t mean that it’s the right choice for my small business.”

We used to think the same thing until we learned:

  • VoIP saves the small business up to 50% on their telephone bills.
  • VoIP gives small companies the ability to have a professional phone presence.
  • VoIP gives the little guy all the big league, professional business phone features.
  • VoIP lets the growing business communicate and collaborate seamlessly through a smartphone app (called a “softphone”) that is directly connected through a mobile internet connection to the company’s phone system. Accept, transfer, and answer calls while working away from the office with no noticeable difference to the clients that are calling you.
  • VoIP provides the flexibility a growing business needs to add or subtract phones through a simple online control panel. This allows you to scale up or down depending on your growth or business season.

Why should my small business use the internet to carry our voice communications?”

Technology is moving forward at an extraordinary pace.

Do you remember when the internet beeped and screeched through a modem attached to your home’s phone line?

Times have changed.

Telephone lines are no longer the most efficient way to transport data from point A to point B.

VoIP operates over the newly-built internet infrastructure that, thanks to fiber optics, operates literally at the speed of light.

But there’s more.

Because VoIP technology has been specifically developed to work with computers and smartphones, you can take advantage of powerful, next-generation communications features such as:

  • Integrating with Your Security System
  • Faxing Without a Fax Machine
  • Analytics – Information to Make Decisions
  • Voicemail to Email
  • Video Calls/Conferencing
  • Call Screening

Telecommunications companies have hit the limit of what can be done with old, landline telephone systems, but internet infrastructure provides endless opportunities for developments that will empower you to take advantage of greater efficiency and compete with bigger companies.

VoIP positions your Roswell, GA small business to leverage today’s technology and tomorrow’s advancements for your benefit.

“Why do I need the help of a Roswell GA IT support company that specializes in telephone systems?”

In complete transparency, there are VoIP companies out there that have a “self-serve” business model. But here’s the problem:

  • Who is going to help you get your VoIP system set up correctly?
  • Who is going to integrate your VoIP system, so you get the most out of it?
  • Who is going to respond quickly to any problems or answer your questions?
  • Who is going to ensure that criminals don’t exploit your VoIP system in a breach attempt?
  • Who is going to make sure that your VoIP phone system is tailored to the way you do business?

Because computers, mobile devices, and VoIP were designed to work together, it’s important that you have an Atlanta IT support company on your side that understands modern VoIP telephone systems and how they can be used to boost business productivity and enhance collaboration/communications.

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