Why Chrysler Dealerships Across Georgia Trust Centerpoint For Telephone Services

Telephone systems for Chrysler dealerships are important tools for connecting with customers, providing customer service and finalizing deals.

Telephone systems for Chrysler dealerships are essential tools for connecting with customers, providing customer service and finalizing deals. Not only do you need the ability to contact clients over the phone and via the internet, but you also need a flexible internal system for all employees to use in sales, administration, and service. However, most modern Chrysler dealerships are finding that many of their communications are moving to digital formats for clients and internally through email, chat, video calls and chatbots. Therefore, when planning to upgrade or find new phone services for Chrysler dealerships, it’s essential to include computer network systems within the same quote. You can often combine your telephone system and computer network repair and maintenance services for better pricing and a reduction of overall downtime.

Telephone/Network Services Options for Chrysler Dealerships

Phone services for Chrysler dealerships are generally available based on the following three types of service agreements. These may vary slightly but are the most common methods of providing phone and IT services.

Break-Fix Service

The lowest level of support is called a “Break-Fix” service. This service is similar to a “geek squad” or repair shop. You buy and work on your phone and computer network, but when it breaks down, you place a service call to your contractor. Your phone and IT services company will charge you to fix each unit separately. You can include any devices you own or rent, and pay-as-you-go. For people who use their communications systems occasionally, this may be the perfect fit. However, for busy Chrysler dealerships, this is not the best option.

Per Device Service

A second option is a “Per Device” service which assigns a per-device ongoing fee up to $100 per month. This option is similar to an “a la carte” menu at a local restaurant. You can order the repair and maintenance you need for each phone or device within the contracted pricing. This model may be an excellent fit for a small company with a few phones and computers but probably won’t keep your devices in top-notch condition.

Per User Service

The most commonly-used phone and IT services model for Chrysler dealerships is a “Per User” model. This pricing model allows for managed change within your company as the number of users changes. Full-service telephone and computer support usually cost in the $100 to $200 range per user. Pricing can vary by your location, types of devices, industry, and other specialized services you require. This third option covers a full range of repair and maintenance services for your entire communications network with trained Chrysler communications support professionals.

What Tasks Does a Phone and IT Services Firm Perform?

Centerpoint IT handles a wide range of Chrysler dealerships phone and computer services, freeing up your time and labor hours to do what you do best, your core business of auto sales and service. You can use the communications services that are necessary to maintain your current level of computer usage. Some of the services provided by a Chrysler dealership service provider include the following:

  • Adding and deleting users
  • Network monitoring
  • Data backup
  • Email archiving and filtering
  • IT and telephone support for employees
  • Maintaining a firewall
  • Protection from viruses
  • Software management
  • Equipment purchasing or leasing
  • Server and equipment maintenance
  • Mobile device management
  • Compliance management
  • Application management
  • Phone repair and maintenance

Centerpoint IT can take these tasks off your to-do list, and finish them in a fraction of the time. The level of support experience provided by Centerpoint IT can solve any maintenance problems that arise.

Providing Exceptional Telephone and IT Support to Chrysler Dealerships

Phone and IT services are top priorities for Chrysler dealerships because all of your client data and records are stored on your communications network. Those records include sales history, contact information and service history. Therefore, your phone and IT support company need to have expertise handling a range of communications issues with rapid resolution. While your staff may be quite experienced, an entire team of Centerpoint IT specialists can provide hundreds of years of experience combined.

Questions to Ask During Telephone/IT Vendor Interviews

You probably have a list of questions already written down to ask when interviewing phone and IT service companies, but here are some to include:

  • Do they have certifications and training in the computer hardware you own or rent?
  • Do they have experience working in your industry?
  • How often do they send employees for ongoing training?
  • Do they offer formal and on-the-spot training to your staff?
  • Will they provide references from other Chrysler dealerships?
  • What is their response time for service calls after hours? During business hours?

Is Hiring a Phone Services Company Worth It?

Ultimately, only you can answer that question. However, you need to ask yourself whether you and your staff can use the labor hours to improve your Chrysler dealership instead of spending time on phones and IT. Is it worth it to you to have a telephone and IT support firm available 24/7 to repair your communications network? Would you like to reduce your stress in regards to your company’s devices? If you can answer either of these questions with a “yes,” then it is worth your time to investigate further into hiring Centerpoint IT. To find out more about hiring a company specializing in telephone systems for Chrysler dealerships, contact us.