Who Provides Network, Data and Telephone Cabling In Atlanta?

Looking for a company which provides network, telephone, and data cabling in Atlanta? CenterpointIT.com has extensive experience providing these services for small- and medium-sized businesses in the Atlanta metro area.

Looking for a company which provides network, telephone, and data cabling in Atlanta? CenterpointIT.com has extensive experience providing these services for small- and medium-sized businesses in the Atlanta metro area.

Below, we’ll talk about what you should look for in a cabling provider and how our services might be just what you’re looking for!

But first: What is network, data, and telephone cabling? And why does your company need it?

What Is Data Cabling?

Data cabling encompasses a broad swath of computer network cabling (wiring) services.

Primarily, this area encompasses the installation of all of the physical cables that connect your computer systems. Today, there are very few standalone computers or workstations in any business; instead, all workstations and computers in a given space are interconnected by cables. You may have heard data cabling in Atlanta referred to simply as “wiring,” “fiber optic cabling,” or “network cabling” as well. If you have telephones, the wiring connecting your telephones may be called “telephone cabling.”

Seems pretty simple, right? What could go wrong?

The catch is threefold. First, in this day and age, your business can’t get away with not having the proper data cabling. It doesn’t matter whether you run a dentist’s office, a car shop, a grocery store, or a construction company — all businesses require data cabling. It’s not something you can skip.

Next, all businesses have different needs for their data cabling. While one company may need to connect several workstations on-site, another company may need to connect several workstations internally in one brick-and-mortar location and connect this location to a satellite location or numerous other satellite locations.

And finally, poor data cabling— done by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing — can be extremely detrimental to your systems. Unfortunately, data cabling and wiring is more complicated than it ever has been before. Today, both security breaches and possible loss of files and data are real threats to businesses. Both of these things can be caused by improperly installed cabling. We can mostly thank wide-spread dependency on the Internet and the prevalent use of cloud storage for these possible pitfalls.

For all of these reasons, it is essential to allow professionals to take care of your data cabling. The leading companies who understand the importance of information technology in the infrastructure of their business hand over data cabling in Atlanta to IT service providers with extensive knowledge and experience in this area.

Why Is Proper Cabling Installation So Important?

Improperly installed cabling in your business can cause numerous detrimental issues. It can negatively affect your day-to-day productivity, your customers’ and clients’ happiness and satisfaction with your services or products, and the security of your sensitive information — including the personal information of your customers, clients, and employees and business financial information.

In turn, if your productivity slows down, your security is breached, or your services don’t function for your customers and clients as needed, this will naturally be problematic for your business’ revenue. Over time, problems with improperly installed cabling can become exacerbated as well. We have heard nightmares from local companies in the metro Atlanta area about improperly installed wiring for telephones, computer stations, and network systems.

In the end, many businesses who do not choose the right service providers to install their cabling in the first place and up paying much more to have their systems repaired. Sometimes, brand new systems and cables need to be purchased altogether, bringing the initial price tag of merely choosing the right company for the job up by a large margin.

What Type of Data Cabling in Atlanta Does Centerpoint IT Offer?

Centerpoint IT can help you with any of the following types of network, telephone, or data cabling in Atlanta:

  • Ethernet cable
  • Cabling for networking media
  • Coaxial cable
  • Telecommunications cable
  • Optical fiber cable
  • Token ring cable

We have extensive experience installing all types of data cabling and wiring at Centerpoint IT, so if you’re interested in any of these services — or our extensive list of other IT services — give us a call! We are here to serve your needs and to ensure the best connections and information technology for your business in Atlanta.

About Centerpoint IT

At Centerpoint IT, our goal is to make IT simple for you. We want to help you handle and maintain your business’ technology as smoothly and quickly as possible and with little, if any, hassle on your end.

We are proud to be an accredited business with the Better Business Bureau and to have an A+ BBB rating. Also, we have been named as one of Atlanta’s top growing technology companies. We can manage all of the business technology your company requires, including providing business phone systems, assistance with Microsoft office 365, cloud storage set up and maintenance, full service managed IT support, and much more

Interested in learning more about the services Centerpoint IT provides? Book your free consultation today!