Where Does Continuous Data Recovery Fall in the Meaningful Use Puzzle?

Your firm may be able to cover the expenses of its new Electronic Health Records (EHR) system, but its just the start. You need to prove Meaningful Use for the entire 5-year term. Each year, or stage, requires you to meet a more advanced, abstract goal. When constructing your plan to meet these obstacles, you want to ensure: a) usefulness and long-term value of your solution; and b) the solution will satisfy Meaningful Use requirements. Continuous Data Recovery should be a component of your five-year plan.

What Continuous Data Monitoring Does

Continuous Data Monitoring captures the changes you make to your network data in real time, ensuring a seamless data recovery process. Revisions and new data input is captured incrementally, as your workforce types. If a database is suddenly corrupted, you can always bring back an earlier draft. The entire recovery process takes seconds.

Why Continuous Data Protection Is Important for Your Technology-Enabled Practice

Most frequently database errors occur when multiple people simultaneously access the data. With continuous data recovery, you can immediately choose to return the database to a previous state – at any of its backup points.

Two clicks bring you to the last backup. You see that version was corrupted, as well, so you click twice more to bring up the previous version. Is it stable and functional? Yes? One click and you are back up and running again. As a healthcare provider, you might see a lot of value in that superpower already.

It can take hours or days to go back and replicate data. And data can be lost, leading to a potentially costly and embarrassing predicament. As a patient, would you return to a provider who came back after an appointment and requested you reenter the same information?

We consult, price and implement continuous data recovery solutions for you, ensuring your office’s IT solution is simple and effective. Dell Sonicwall is our backup and security partner, and they ensure your data is backed up and secure. We want to help you present the best, most professional face to your clients.