Useful and Convenient Cloud-Enabled Health Gadgets – Part 2

In the first partof this series, we talked about some of the most useful new tools for tracking personal health and fitness for improving performance. This post focuses on solutions designed to help you maintain your personal health.

Monitors for Weight and Blood Pressure

Walking regularly and keeping a low blood pressure are crucial for maintaining your health. With these solutions, data from these activities can be tracked and recorded automatically. You can even share the results with your doctor.

  1. You place a Fitbit pedometer on your hip, and it tracks steps, stairs, calories burned and distance traveled. The device automatically uploads data to the Fitbit portal.
  2. Omron 10 Series – Omron takes your blood-pressure and resting heart rate, automatically saving the data to its system. When you plug the device into your computer’s USB, the data transfers to your computer. Omron does not synchronize with Fitbit; however, it does work with Microsoft HealthVault.

Synchronizing Apps and Devices with Microsoft HealthVault

Cloud portals, such as, support a wide range of health devices and apps. However, many apps and devices have not been programmed to interface with either of these services. Almost every device and app is programmed to use Microsoft HealthVault. Microsoft HealthVault is a central portal for all the various devices and apps listed here, as well as the majority of apps and devices on the market. Simply set up connections with each device/app, and data will automatically transfer. Microsoft HealthVault is also a secure portal. For extra security, you can even set it up to call your phone for identity verification whenever someone attempts to access your account. Linking all of these consumer health innovations provides you with simple, powerful tools for you and your family’s health. We have seen the cloud help our customers improve the health of their business, and we’re excited to support similarly positive changes to personal health.