How Companies In Atlanta Manage Technology Complexities

Contact Centerpoint today for an assessment of your IT infrastructure. Find out whether your company is utilizing technology complexities that can simplify your business processes.

Conquer Technology Complexities with Centerpoint IT

Contact Centerpoint today for an assessment of your IT infrastructure. Find out whether your company is utilizing technology complexities that can simplify your business processes.  

The Harvard Business Review states, “Complex systems have always existed, of course—and business life has always featured the unpredictable, the surprising, and the unexpected. But complexity has gone from something found mainly in large systems, such as cities, to something that affects almost everything we touch: the products we design, the jobs we do every day, and the organizations we oversee.”

With the pervasiveness of complexity in ever-changing technology, how can Atlanta businesses keep up? Left unchecked, complexity quickly leads to chaos and missed opportunities. When managed, complex technology leads to innovation and differentiation in the market.

IT is complicated and detailed, requiring methodical practice to master. It impacts every process in modern business, and just as professionals specialize in other areas, there are technology specialists that practice IT. However, the cycle of change is much higher. Rather than hiring more in-house staff, many companies in Atlanta are turning to managed service providers, such as Centerpoint, with experienced professionals with up-to-date credentials.

Centerpoint has put together four tips to help you stay on top of useful Information Technology trends and help your employees to master technology complexities:

  1. Develop a strategic architecture to manage IT complexity. To achieve your goals on complicated projects like systems integration and automation, IT solutions must be aligned, scalable and reliable. Add new layers instead of starting from scratch whenever possible.
  2. Don’t juggle several new initiatives without finishing the ones in process. Dynamic companies often have several projects going on at the same time. It’s easy to let projects stall or abandon them in a busy environment. There’s a better solution. If you’ve prioritized your initiatives, then seeing one or two through to completion increases your chances of success.
  3. Taking on complex IT projects takes discipline, expertise and communication. Outsourcing complex projects is one way to keep internal resources focused on day-to-day essential tasks. Attention to detail is key. Centerpoint consultants ensure that things like naming conventions, documentation, change control and a thousand other details are dealt with logically and methodically. Cutting corners often costs more than untangling complexity. Besides, you are not alone. An effective managed service provider can help plan, implement and train staff on new technology without disrupting your operations.
  4. Collaborative planning, involvement and testing with business owners help your company conquer complex IT initiatives. Some IT managers exclude end-users from the process when creating solutions for the business. This is backward thinking since those closest to the problem are the best judges of whether the solution works. It can also result in your IT team missing the root cause of the issue entirely. At Centerpoint, we encourage clients to include stakeholders from the business in every step of the new projects designed to help them.

“Sometimes there are demands from the business to move quickly, but not necessarily practically or prudently. Sometimes there are systems leftover from mergers, acquisitions and internal reorganizations that haven’t been sunsetted. Sometimes systems multiply as CIOs try to keep the lights on and innovate simultaneously,” according to Computerworld.

Technology complexities are unavoidable, but they don’t have to stymy plans to move forward. By outsourcing complex projects, you free internal resources to concentrate on their core responsibilities without giving up useful innovation.

Contact Centerpoint today for an assessment of your IT infrastructure. Find out whether your company is utilizing technology complexities that can simplify your business processes.