IT Solutions Atlanta: 16 Things You Need To Know Now!

Centerpoint IT is an IT solutions company in Atlanta. Connect with us and learn more about our IT services for Atlanta businesses.

With so many options for IT Solutions Atlanta companies, you may not know where to start to find the right one for you. The right company will provide comprehensive IT support, top-notch IT security, a transparent and straightforward billing structure, and a dependable, responsive IT staff that you can rely on.

Below we look at 16 things that you should look for in an IT Solutions Atlanta company. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us here at Centerpoint IT. We are here to help you with all of your IT needs.

#1. Flexible & Capable Service

When problems arise with your IT, they own the problem and take care of it outright. They don’t try to pass the problem off to an outside entity or put it back on you. This is true even if, at times, what they do is outside the contract.

#2. They Answer Their Phones

Instead of getting a voicemail, you should be able to depend on your IT provider to pick up the phone, ready to help you with any question or issue you may have. A capable IT provider should expect issues to arise and have a team ready to respond to them at all times.

#3. No Business Application Is Too Difficult to Handle

If your IT Solutions Atlanta company has both adequate training and experience, then they should be able to integrate any application into your cloud or infrastructure seamlessly. This is especially true if the company has experience in your industry.

#4. Customer Services is Guaranteed in Writing

The IT company places a top priority on Help Desk and customer service. In fact, they back it up with a written guarantee. Look at the company’s website to find out what they have to say about their customer service in detail.

#5. Prompt IT Service, Professional Appearance

You should also expect any reputable IT company to offer an impeccable on-site service. The technician should arrive promptly for any service call with all tools and equipment ready to do the job. You should also expect the technician to look and act professionally on all levels.

#6. Clear, Concise Communication

IT solutions Atlanta companies see you as a partner — not just a client. Therefore, instead of just providing a solution, they actually walk you through a process. They help you understand what they are doing and why they are doing it.

#7. Ongoing Education & Certification

With the ongoing evolution of technology, any responsible IT provider will stay current with technology trends. They continually immerse themselves in education and add to their certifications regularly. They never stop learning.

#8. Proactive and Preventative Managed IT

You should look for an IT consultant that continually offers ways for improving your network’s performance and provides solutions that prevent problems before they happen. They should offer proactive, managed IT instead of a reactive ‘fix it’ service.

#9. In-House Help Desk Services

You may not know it, but your help desk services may actually be in Canada or overseas. An IT company that is vested in your business, however, will have an in-house help desk service instead of outsourcing it somewhere else. This allows the IT provider to develop a genuine long-term business relationship with your company. They know your business inside and out through in-house help desk services.

#10. Transparent Pricing and Invoicing

If you have to ask your IT provider to explain their pricing structure or translate their invoice, then you know that they are not being transparent. IT consultants that have been working with clients for many years know that they should communicate clearly about all aspects of their company — including their pricing and invoicing. You should be able to expect your IT company to provide clear and concise invoicing that doesn’t keep you guessing.

#11. Prepared for Worst Case Scenarios

An IT solutions Atlanta company doesn’t wait for disaster to happen. They expect them to and already have a strategy in place for either preventing them or responding to them immediately. An IT consultant utilizes IT security, data storage and recovery, cloud-based solutions, remote communications, and other technology to ensure business continuity regardless of which worst-case scenarios arise within the company. Ask yourself this: “What is the worst thing that can happen, and can the IT company guarantee that my team can still operate when it does?”

#12. Properly Insured in Areas Where it Counts

Here’s another question you should ask: “What happens if the company completely screws up my network or destroy my data?” While that is too scary to think about, it does happen it could happen to any IT company. When it does, how is the company prepared to compensate you? Make sure you work with a company that carries both liability insurance and workers’ compensation to protect and their employees. When something goes wrong, both sides need protection.

#13. Backup Policies and Procedures

The IT provider should have a data backup and recovery plan in place that handles any scenario — not just disasters. Some examples of scenarios may include upgrades, system maintenance, cyber attacks, natural disasters, employee error, power outages. Although not every scenario is a disaster, there are dozens of ways that data can be erased or disappear forever. Your IT company should provide a plan for backing up and storing data on all levels regardless of the scenario.

#14. Budget-Sensitive Solutions

Does your IT provider know the exact amount of the budget you have allocated for IT? Does the IT provider respect your budget, or are they always looking for reasons to stretch the budget? The best providers can create a secure and reliable IT infrastructure regardless of your budget. They find creative ways to give you the most for your money.

#15. Penetrating Testing & Analysis

There is no reason to have an IT network if you can’t perform routine tests & ongoing analysis of each component. With all the cyber threats that dominate the Internet, your IT provider should be willing and able to assess the security of your network through penetration testing, system restore backups, and in-depth analysis. Also, the company should offer 24/7/365 monitoring so that catch any possible cyber attack or security breach attempts, as well as any other potential problems.

#16. Routine IT Reporting

Finally, your IT solutions Atlanta company should offer, at minimum, monthly reporting of all system updates, security patches, potential problems, recommendations, and overall system performance. You should always know how well your network is doing and what opportunities you have to improve its performance.

Contact Centerpoint for Managed IT Services in Atlanta

Centerpoint offers comprehensive managed IT services for small and mid-size businesses in Atlanta. We can help you secure your digital assets while finding solutions that help your company grow. To find out more about our IT services, call us today at (404) 777-0147. You can also message us on our contact page.