Choosing the right information technology company can be difficult, but with the right interview questions you can find the support you need quickly and with a relative amount of ease.

The right interview questions can make your selection process faster, more efficient, and can find you the company that is most in line with your goals and the focus of your company. Here are a few different questions that you can ask when searching for your perfect IT company that can help you determine what company is going to be best for you and your needs.

Technology Companies in Atlanta

Basic Skills

The first thing you need to ask about is basic skills.

This will set the tone for the entire interview and will give you a strong base when choosing the right company. The right introductory interview questions can help you to start to understand the IT company you are interviewing and can help you determine what questions to ask next. Ask questions like:

  • What development tools do you or have you used?
  • What are your technical skills and qualifications?
  • What languages are you proficient in programming in?
  • What level of education do you have in this field?
  • What source control tools do you use when programming?
  • What are you doing to keep your technical certification up to date?

These questions are going to allow you to get a basic idea of what the company does, of how qualified they are, and what they are doing to make sure they continue to be qualified and continue to be certified. Questions that focus on what they have already done are also a great way to get a look at their experience and to see what the company has done and what they are proficient at doing. Questions that focus on the basics are also a great place to start with an interview as they allow you to break the ice so to speak and get a good dialogue going.

These basic questions are also going to give you an idea of what the company is all about and can give you an idea of how they will answer your questions. These introductory questions and how you respond to them can also help set the tone for the interview and give your potential IT company an idea of how in-depth you want their answers to be and what sort of information you expect.

Ask the Information Technology Company to Rate Themselves

Another great strategy is to ask the company or the individual themselves to rate their competencies. This will give you a good idea of how the company sees itself and how the company takes account of what they have done and what they feel they are capable of. Ask questions like:

These questions are going to allow you to get a better look at their actual operations and how they are able to handle themselves so to speak. Rather than focusing on very basic things like the first set of questions did, this set of questions helps the company to look at their own skills and relate to you what they are able to do and what they have done. This will also allow you the chance to see what the company thinks of themselves and how they work on the spot to explain and relate to what you are asking them to do. This will also give you, the hiring individual, a chance to better look at how the IT company sees their own skills and how well they work to explain their process and what they have already done. You may also want to ask them about their previous jobs and satisfaction ratings of other companies or individuals that have hired them in the past.

In-Depth Look at IT Company Operations

You also want to ask a range of questions that focus on the in-depth aspects of their operations as it pertains to your job and jobs that they have done in the past. This allows them time to reflect and present you with the best image of themselves. Ask questions like:

You want to make sure you take the time to really talk with the potential company and find out what they have done, how they work, and what processes you can expect to see if you do decide to use the company at hand. It is always best to take the time to get to know a company prior to choosing them to work with and taking the time to craft careful and in-depth questions can mean the difference between an interview that is successful and that gives you the information you need and one that simply asks superficial questions that really give you no valuable knowledge. Asking questions that require the company or individual that is representing the company can mean the difference between a successful interview that truly gives you the insight you need to make a decision and one that does not.

Information Technology Consulting Companies in Atlanta

For those that are looking for a great IT company in the Atlanta area that is going to go the extra mile to make sure you are happy with your IT support, Centerpoint IT is a wonderful option. They work to make sure all your questions are answered, that you know the process, and that your managed IT is perfected to meet your standards and the needs of your company. Managed IT is a fantastic way to make sure your company is running smoothly, running as proficiently as possible, and that you have the necessary elements in place to succeed.

Centerpoint IT offers a range of options when it comes to both managed IT as well as improving communications both within your company and with outside customers. They offer networking solutions within your company, and so much more. For the best options, the best solutions, and a chance to truly choose the right IT company for your needs, take the time to consider all the options and come up with interview questions that can give you a good look at what an IT company is all about.


Chris Chao | Published on February 7, 2019