Online Meeting Software now used in SMB Financial Services


Online meeting technology has reached a new level and is now helping you establish rapport, secure trust, and improve client satisfaction with intimate video-enabled connectivity. We know this from personal experience. One of our customers, Innovative Financial Group (IFG), uses iMeet to speak face-to-face with clients across the United States, and the professional and streamlined app has given them the confidence to change the way they do business.

Now, from a handful of offices in Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville, Memphis, agents with licenses to practice across the United States can do more than reach any state with their voice. They can speak face-to-face, seamlessly, with every single client.

Premium Online Meeting Technology Impresses Customers and Inspires Trust

Historically, technical support was one of the tallest hurdles for video conferencing. Even a simple usability issue could put a meeting on hold for minutes of wasted time – or worse – ruin the meeting entirely.

With iMeet, any problem is solved on the spot: a professional will immediately remote into your room and walk you through the answer to your question. No matter what the issue is, the answer is handled efficiently and effectively. The technical support turns issues into assets. “Clients are really impressed by the quick response time, and the level of professionalism builds trust,” says Tiffany Forkum, IFG’s New Business Manager, who has used iMeet at our recommendation since May, 2014. When asked how video conferencing played a role in their business strategey, Tiffany told us: “We operate in a very competitive industry, so we need to differentiate in every way we can.”

For Life Insurers: Identity Verification without Physical Visitation

The life insurance side of their business has thrived from the new possibilities offered by client-facing video, as well. That’s because regulatory compliance requires that the end client is physically witnessed before the transaction can complete. Video conferencing is a cheaper way to verify identity than sending a witness out to the client location. It is also more convenient for the client, demonstrating a higher level of service and a commitment to innovation and staying ahead of the pack.

What Centerpoint Thinks about iMeet

The cloud-enabled app has served our clients extremely well. With new technology, there is typically a period where the hardware is decent, but the software and business side do not meet expectations. Our clients who use it unanimously agree that iMeet reaches that critical point of being extremely useful and in fact indispensable to the way they do business.

Interested in learning more? Come back next week to see how iMeet’s advanced features enable one innovative financial planner to use video-conferencing with clients.