Lofty promises? How the cloud boosted productivity at this Southeastern Law Firm by 25%


How does a runner win a race when the competition can run 25% faster? We can think of a few ways… such as:


  1. Poison

  2. A false start

  3. Deus ex Machina


The question is: do you want your business to rely on any of these strategies when you can effectively buy 25% more speed?


Many of the most successful businesses in Atlanta still rely on being better businesses than on integrating IT functionality with critical business operations. And that was the case with RTR, a criminal defense firm based in Miami, Florida, one of the largest firms in the Southeastern United States. The partners at their firm did not see why they needed to adopt technology. They were successful, and might makes right.

Then, during last hurricane season, a lightning strike obliterated the server containing all of their data. This forced them to build a new IT strategy from the ground up.


Their 25% improvement in productivity was an unexpected bonus for their partners. (Read more in Microsoft’s Case Study on RTR in the Cloud.)


Is the Cloud an “Offer You Can’t Refuse?”

As the cloud is adopted by more and more businesses of all sizes, in all countries and in cities, including Atlanta, technology is increasing in utility. IT is becoming a real gamechanger for the businesses that choose it.


We see this kind of transformation on a daily basis, and if our growth trajectory is any indication, Atlanta businesses are increasing IT spend. Read about how we helped this door manufacturer purchase systems they now say are “…critical to our growing infrastructure.”


Or take a look at how we helped an insurer overcome lag time and improve its customer service.

As a communications technology company with a deep background in consulting, we are biased toward IT. We have seen what VoIP did to phone systems, and we continue to embrace new technology that can help our customers win more profitability. But our first priority is the customer. If we don’t have the right solution, we don’t sell it. Call us for a free consultation and see how IT can help your business.