Information Technology Companies In Atlanta.
Choosing The Right One

Read our latest guide on finding the best information technology companies in Atlanta. You can learn about IT security, cloud services, and managed IT services.

What you need to know to select the right one of information technology companies in Atlanta. As you head into the next phase of your company’s development, you may conclude that, while your technology becomes easier to use, it also becomes more challenging to set up, monitor, and manage. It may be time for you to seek help from an outsourced IT company.

However, with all the information technology companies in Atlanta, you may not know where to start. As a result, you may partner with a company that doesn’t have the knowledge or capability to help you with your digital transformation.

As you consider choosing an information technology company in the Atlanta area, you may want to start by asking a few core questions:

  • What are my organization’s current needs?
  • What are my business goals?
  • How will technology meet my organization’s needs and goals?
  • What IT company in Atlanta provides the products and services to help my company meet our needs and objectives?

Establishing Your Company’s IT Needs

Before you start looking for an outsourced IT company, you first need to establish your technology needs. This can be challenging if you don’t know anything about IT. However, you don’t have base your organization’s needs or desire on the technology itself. Instead, you base your needs on the goals that you have established for business. Your goals will then make it clear what type of technology you need. For instance, look at these three scenarios below.

Scenario 1: A Higher Level of Cybersecurity

A company was recently hit with a cyber attack. The hacker found their way into the network via phishing software in an email. Although the technology company offered virus protection and malware detection, they did not provide a more comprehensive approach to prevent the attack. As a result, the hacker hijacked thousands of files and access sensitive customer information.

What does the company need? The company needs to search for information technology companies in Atlanta that offer multi-layered security measures, as well as 24 monitoring, proactive security prevention, and instant response to hacking attempts to shut them down before the hacker can get into the system.

Scenario 2: A More Scalable, Simplified Network Solution

A company’s current IT infrastructure is complicated, outdated, and too difficult to manage. There are areas of the network that are costing the company too much money, killing productivity, and breaking down all the time. The company’s employees have pieced together the network over the year, but now they are outgrowing the hardware, software, cables, and other equipment. They are also fed up with the limitations of the phone system and the server. In essence, the company is barely hanging on, waiting for the entire infrastructure to cave at any time.

What does the company need? The company needs to undergo a complete digital transformation and reconceptualize their infrastructure from the ground up. The IT provider needs to help them simplify and streamline their network, drastically reduce their costs with more sustainable hardware and software, and find solutions that ensure their business continuity with less downtime.

Scenario 3: A Centralized Virtual Location for the Entire Team

A company’s employees are talented, knowledgeable, and highly motivated to succeed. However, it seems like every time they want to work on a project, they have to jump through several hoops to get anything accomplished. They are limited by constant email attachments, multiple locations, software constraints, and a tight budget. Plus, sharing files and other data is a hassle. As a result, a lot of great ideas never get off the ground, and at least half of all projects never get finished. As you might guess, everything has become more or less departmentalized, and there is no real sense of teamwork anymore.

What does the company need? The company needs a cloud platform. A cloud offers a centralized virtual location where a team can collaborate, communicate, and share/access data. A managed IT service can set up a cloud server to accommodate software and apps the company is using. All users can access the software from the same location instead of downloading the software to all individual computers. All users can work on projects in real time while sending messages and files instantly. A cloud network all ensures that no matter what disasters or emergencies happen on site, that all data and digital assets are untouched and secure.

In each of these examples above, the company may not have known what type of technology to integrate into their current infrastructure. However, they were able to determine and define their needs based on their current situation.

Once you determine your needs, you can start your search for information technology companies in Atlanta that can help you meet those needs. Let’s take a closer look.

Information Technology Companies in Atlanta: Meeting Your Company’s Needs

What makes a great IT company? It’s simple:

A great IT company offers the type of products and services that directly address your company’s current IT issues and finds long-term solutions that help your company grow.

What solutions should you look for?

  • Managed IT: The company can take over your entire network and manage it so that you or your team do not have to anymore. The company earns your full trust by offering consistent customer service and real answers to your IT issues.
  • Communication: Find a company that offers VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) telephone services. You will save money, simplify your phone system, and be able to access an endless range of features.
  • IT security: Virus software and malware detection apps aren’t enough to protect your network. So look for a company that offers top-tier, industry-grade IT security with multi-layered solutions. If you are running a tight budget and need to determine where to allocate your funds, then start here. Keeping your employees and customer safe from hackers should be your #1 priority. Try to find a company that offers IT security audits, 24/7 monitoring, and network testing.
  • Cloud solutions: Once you go into the cloud, you’ll never come back. Information technology companies in Atlanta should offer standard cloud solutions such as data backup & disaster recovery, cloud-based communications (phone, email, messaging), virtualization, file sharing, software utilization, remote devices.
  • On-call 24/7 help desk: The ideal IT company will offer both on-site and remote help desk services to fix your IT problems right away. You should also look for companies that provide more than one avenue for getting help (online client portal, email, phone, etc.).

Complete Information Technology Services in Atlanta

If you are looking for information technology companies in Atlanta, then contact Centerpoint IT. We offer cybersecurity, VoIP, cloud, and managed IT services for small and mid-sized business in the Atlanta area. To find out more about our IT services, call us today at (404) 777-0147. You can also message us on our contact page.