iMeet Makes Web Conferencing Professional and Affordable for Small Businesses

Engaging on the phone or person-to-person can be the difference between landing a new client, and losing a qualified lead. But if video is so much better than audio, why haven’t these services replaced voice-calling altogether?


The answer: until recently, no one has made an adequate web conferencing solution. For businesses, the main barriers have been too numerous to name, but here are a few.

  • Reliability

  • Cost

  • Customer service

  • Security

  • Difficult-to-use interfaces

  • Clunky features

  • Etc.


We know because, as a VoIP provider, we have sold reliable audio technology for the last decade, and we have sold video for over 5 years. Last year, we identified a new application that hops over most of those barriers, and we have been connecting our clients to it.

Mini Case Study: Innovative Financial Services (IFG), Meet iMeet

Innovative Financial Group reached out to us in 2014 for a better web conferencing solution. They were using another web conferencing application to hold company-wide meetings across their offices, which are spread out across Tennessee and Georgia.


They switched over to iMeet earlier this year, and the difference has unlocked new, innovative uses for video, which helps them reach more customers and improve their level of service. (Click here for a list of features and an explanation of benefits.)


We recently asked them what the gamechangers are. Why can they use iMeet with clients, in addition to company calls? They told us:


  • The app can be designated to call participants, as opposed to confusing phone portals and access codes

  • Content sharing allows easy PowerPoint presentations to anyone, anywhere

  • User friendly interface is easy, even for elderly clients who have never used video conferencing before.

  • Seamless customer support (Read more about iMeet’s stellar customer service)


IFG has already noticed some big advantages from switching to iMeet. Video conferencing has boosted client engagement on calls. They can use E Signature more easily with clients. Their agents can screenshare and perform walkthroughs with the new technology. And strategically, well, that is an article by itself. We covered how IFG is using iMeet to extend reach and secure business with Millennials a couple of weeks ago.

If you’re interested in professional, web-enabled video-conferencing for your small business, call us for a demo or sign up for a free trial of iMeet.