IBM Healthcare Solutions

Chuck Gallamore, the IBM Client Solutions Leader for Provider Healthcare in the Southeast, has his finger on the healthcare industry’s pulse. Despite everyone discussing cloud solutions, information security, and other technical jargon in the IT world, his focus is on the patients. IBM IT solutions aren’t just about technology, they are about getting patients the care they deserve.

Collaboration and Information Sharing

Getting all hands on deck for announcements, collaboration and training might sound like a good idea, but it’s often an impossible task. Likewise, everyone who needs to know about a patient’s status or a new piece of equipment are probably in different locations and working at different times. To bridge the gaps in time and space, IBM technology solutions can play a crucial role.

Collaborating and sharing should be easier than ever, but sometimes, our new tools and technology feel like speed bumps instead of highways. Retrieving and conveying the right information at the right time is critical for proper client care. To make collaboration easier on medical professionals and healthcare administrators, IBM has simplified software platforms so technology can do the heavy lifting.

Medical Breakthrough Faster and Safer

New technologies shouldn’t only make good care easier, they should also innovate. IBM healthcare solutions go beyond meeting expectations. Doctors can visualize millions of data points in easy to read dashboards with the click of a button. Since data is easier to input, it’s also becoming easier to collect and analyze. Testing and analysis that would take months or years, can be run virtually in seconds. Doctors can make new discoveries on the fly and personalize their care to an individual’s needs.

Custom drug therapies, genomics, and gene mappings will all be a part of a doctor’s standard care procedures in the near future. With IBM healthcare solutions, the future will be easier to handle and more helpful for those who need it the most.