How to Prepare Your Device for the Apple iOS 7 Update


The Apple iOS 7 update is not your run-of-the-mill service update. Minor bug fixes and small service features do not scratch the surface of this upgrade, which will revolutionize your mobile experience kind of like the storming of the Bastille did to France in 1789.

OK, maybe that was a little much. But the world of everyone carrying an iPhone or iPad will still be rocked. Multifaceted user interface changes will substantially change the way you use your old apps. Additional features like AirDrop, photo filters and Control Center will add functionality and convenience. But before any of this can happen, you should prepare your devices first – to make the transition as painless as possible, not only for you but also the little village of apps living under your tender, loving care.

Spring Cleaning…in Autumn?

First you want to delete any apps you do not plan on using. We all have a bunch of apps that seemed like game-changers when we downloaded them, but were dust-collectors at best. You can uninstall unused apps with a Tap and Hold. Then, when the app starts moving, select the X to clean it off your system. If you end up wishing you still had it, you can always reinstall after the update.

Now that your system is simplified, update the surviving apps. To do this, launch the App Store and look at the available updates. Many might have already released iOS 7-ready versions. You also want to backup your data

Before any substantial change to your mobile device, it is always a good idea to perform a quick backup. The likelihood of a system problem is greater when changes are being made to the OS, so you want to be sure you can easily restore your data if trouble arises.

And finally, check for software updates. This includes programs like iTunes, whose updates typically accompany iOS system changes. Do this by clicking on the Apple Menu icon and selecting Software Update. Now your devices are ready for the iOS 7. But you might want to bring a pith helmet too…