The default iPhone greeting message is just that – a default, generic placeholder to prompt callers to leave a message for you when you can’t come to the phone. Callers have no way of knowing if they have reached the correct person or if they are potentially leaving a personal message on the wrong phone. Personal callers may simply be annoyed by the generic message – but for business calls, the fact that you’ve failed to pay attention to this detail makes a poor impression – and may even make that prospective client turn elsewhere.
When you replace this generic greeting with a personalized message of your own, you make it easy for callers to proceed with confidence – and increase the likelihood that they’ll actually leave a message. Updating the voicemail message with your own greeting allows you to let callers know they’ve reached the correct person; the process is fast and easy.
How to Change the Outgoing Voicemail Message on IPhone (iOS 9 or later)
Update Your Message as Needed
Use the same process any time you need to update your outgoing message. You may find you need to redo your message after an iOS update; some recent updates caused problems with voicemail messages and related apps. You can also update the greeting to reflect time out of the office or to quickly disseminate information to anyone who calls you.
It’s never been easier to stay in touch and make the best possible impression on your callers. Centerpoint IT is the trusted choice when it comes to staying ahead of the latest information technology tips, tricks and news. Contact us at (404) 781-0200 or send us an email at for more information.
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