How to Ask Your Web Designer for a User-Friendly, IT-Services Website

Centerpoint-300x164We recently asked our web design firm, Zero-G Creative, to remake our website… and take us to the next level – then maybe to the level above that. When they asked us for specific goals, we looked them in the Webcam-eye, and said the magic words, “We want our website to be more app-like.”

“More App-Like?”

Apps have brought IT to a new level of functionality and integration into our world. Take a look at Angry Birds. On the surface, it is exceptionally easy to learn how to play. But under the hood, the designers strategically leverage a number of communicative tools to make the experience feel intuitive. My 5-year-old, Samuel, can understand the instructions, regarding how to use the different types of birds, and he can strategically deploy them in order to kill all those evil turtles.

That is how we wanted you to experience our website. We wanted our clients or prospective clients to find the information they needed easily through a simple, intuitive and fun-to-use interface.

Easier said than done. The primary challenge was for programmers to simplify – when most web programmers thrive in complexity. And you probably sympathize.

Until recently, society applauded complexity. Being able to communicate complicated thought was a sign of intelligence, and the complicated organization tended to stamp the idea with rigor and respectability. Complexity meant the idea was well thought-out.

Not in this day and age. Our web designers were challenged with the task of taking our products and services to the level beyond complexity – simplification.

Our new, interactive website utilizes multimedia to create a seamless web experience and ultimately deliver our story and how we can help you. Primarily, our website enables you to:

  • Find out more about what we do and who we serve
  • Request a quote on your next IT project
  • Request support – either on an existing system or on a purchase decision

We could not be happier with the results! The new site will be launched before December 15, 2013, and we are excited for you to come break us in, torque up the videos and see what we have to offer.