How Healthcare Providers Maintain Strict Data Security before, during and after Backup

Healthcare providers are under significant pressure to change. Whether the pressure comes from the threat of noncompliance or by way of incentives, there are hurdles to overcome. Buzzwords, such as Electronic Health Records (EHR), Meaningful Use and a host of other obtuse terms don’t make matters easier. Learning everything and still taking care of patients in need of help is a balancing act. When you are on the move, mistakes can easily happen. Backup security works in much the same way.

3 Backup Security Tips

So much attention is drawn to protecting the workstations in your office that backups (storage for your sensitive data) can become the easy target for hacking activities.

According to Greek Mythology, the aegis was gifted by the gods to the hero, Perseus. In exchange, they asked him to slay Medusa. The Aegis helped Perseus face his nemesis and triumph. And without taking proper precautions during backup, your sensitive data might be breached. Here are the fundamentals for defeating the dreaded gorgon:

  • Backup software should be protected with proper security and authorization protocols, such as strong passwords [link to CenterpointIT’s article on passwords].
  • Whether the data is on-premise or off-site, be sure to use encryption. Encryption is a second line of defense against hackers because the process renders your data in an unrecognizable form. If someone does steal the information, they will not be able to use it.
  • Secure connection from source to storage: If your backup location is off-site, the data tunnel between your network and the storage facility needs to be secure. A Virtual Private Network is one of your strongest options, especially when it is used to transport encrypted data.

Healthcare providers need their patient documents to remain top secret, whether the sensitive information is in use, stored in an on-premise backup appliance or pushed off site to a secure data facility.

Dell Sonicwall is our backup and security partner because their state-of-the-art on-premise solutions keep IT simple. Their streamlined products allow us to focus on what we care about: staying on top of regulatory requirements and winning.