Healthcare Providers Can Use Technology to Remain Independent

One of our favorite clients has been an office manager who has remained in healthcare for the last 18 years. When she started, the practice had two physicians. Now, they have six physicians, four mid-level providers, another 9,000 square feet of office space and 43 more employees. Along the way, she used technology to help her firm grow and adapt. With all of the new rules and regulations, her office needs to use more technology whether she wants to or not.

The office is currently deciding what vendor they want to use to implement their new Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system. Management has spent a lot of time at night meeting with vendors and looking at product offerings. No one in a small medical practice went to school for technology. So when everyone puts in the after hours work, listening to technologists talk about hardware, software and bundles can be frustrating. They rely on us because of the relationships we’ve developed and they trust in us to lead them to where they need to go.

The Way Out – Selling or Staying Independent

Many private practices are aligning with hospitals, and some are so frustrated they have sold their practices entirely. The deal can be very appealing when confronting the flurry of regulations coming down the chain. In exchange for ownership, the larger system provides their EMR system to the practice, among other benefits.

Our client’s firm has opted to remain independent. Answering the EMR system debate was a matter of hiring an IT consulting firm they could trust. They know when they need help, as well as where to get the help they need. They reach out to us periodically when they need the support – be it troubleshooting or for informational purposes only. We want more clients like her. We love putting our technical training to good use.