4 Ways to Improve Cybersecurity at Your Atlanta Small Business

Centerpoint IT is Atlanta’s top IT services and support company. Whether you need help securing your network from hackers or want to move to the Cloud, we have you covered.

Improve Cybersecurity at Your Atlanta Business

Centerpoint IT is Atlanta’s top IT services and support company.   Whether you need help securing your network from hackers or want to move to the Cloud, we have you covered.  

Whether your Atlanta business is large or small, it’s not secure from vulnerabilities in cyberspace. Protecting your company and client data from a possible breach should be a priority no matter how many employees or customers you serve. Centerpoint IT provides IT security services for our clients. We can also recommend changes to your current network that reduce your vulnerabilities.

Many small business owners don’t believe their business is a viable target for hackers. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

“In the report, 66% of decision-makers say they are not very or at all likely to experience a cyberattack. That is good and well, but a Ponemon Institute and Keeper Security survey revealed 67% of businesses were attacked in the last year,” according to smallbiztrends.com.

If you don’t prioritize cybersecurity, personal information that compromises employees and customers could end up for sale on the dark web.

What Are the Four Best Tips to Strengthen Cybersecurity at Your Company?

  1. Training: In order to secure your data, start by training your employees. Centerpoint IT can help you develop a business security plan that every employee should put to use. Provide instructions on how to process customer and employee information. Also, each employee must have their own login and password credentials. Training your employees properly can prevent data breaches that threaten your business.
  2. Back-Up Your Data: Ransomware authors and hackers are after more than data. They can wipe out your servers and computers or demand a ransom to restore access to your system. Without data backups, you may lose years of confidential and sensitive data in just one cyberattack. This puts your business at legal and financial risk. Cloud storage can mitigate the risk from hackers and provides a viable backup if your data becomes corrupted for any reason. Talk to your Centerpoint IT consultant about the viability of cloud computing for your Atlanta company.
  3. Outsource Your Cybersecurity: Hiring a reputable third party to handle your cybersecurity probably doesn’t cost as much as you think. It’s certainly a fraction of the price you pay to recover from just one cybersecurity breach. IT managed service providers, such as Centerpoint IT, provide flexible agreements for a set monthly price that makes cybersecurity easy to budget for.
  4. Keep Wi-Fi Networks Secure: Cafes, supermarkets, and other retail stores often leave their Wi-Fi open so that guests and employees can enjoy them. However, this practice leaves you open to hackers that enter your system through the open Wi-Fi. Use a separate Wi-Fi network for business purposes and only give the password to employees. For customers, you can always set up an open network that doesn’t impact performance or compromise your business systems.

Why Choose Centerpoint IT for Your IT Needs?

A recent Ponemon survey reveals the lack of confidence many business owners have when it comes to keeping their networks secure.

“Only 42 percent of respondents rate their organizations’ ability to minimize or mitigate IT security risk as high…Their organizations’ approach to dealing with threats is reactive, focusing on the immediate threat or ‘hack du jour.’”— Ponemon Institute: Separating the Truths from the Myths in Cybersecurity.

Centerpoint IT consultants know how to implement solutions that give you confidence in your network security, so you can concentrate on running your business. We are Atlanta’s top IT services and support company. As a BBB-accredited business, we stand firm in our commitment to finding lasting technology solutions for local business owners. Whether you need help securing your network from hackers or want to move to the Cloud, we have you covered. Contact us today.