Top 5 Concerns Facing CIOs in Atlanta

Whether your top concern is cybersecurity or redesigning portions of your networks, Centerpoint IT can provide the best network engineers, cybersecurity experts and other IT professionals in Atlanta. Contact us today to learn more.

What are the Top 5 Concerns for CIOs in Atlanta?

Whether your top concern is cybersecurity or redesigning portions of your networks, Centerpoint IT can provide the best network engineers, cybersecurity experts and other IT professionals in Atlanta. Contact us today to learn more.  

As an information technology leader, what keeps you up at night? Is it stories of state-sponsored terrorism that might one day target your company in Atlanta? How about a network outage that puts your outdated disaster recovery plans to the test?

These are the questions that Nominet put to 274 CTOs, CIOs and CISOs in a variety of industries. This article explores their answers and the challenges they present to technology leadership.

Digital transformation encompasses “the changes associated with digital technology application and integration into all aspects of human life and society. It is the move from the physical to digital.”

Digital transformation projects can bring sea-level changes in operations and help your company pull ahead of the competition. However, keeping up with the latest, most useful technology brings about its own challenges for CIOs according to Nominet’s Cyber Security In the Age of Digital Transformation report.

Companies looking for radical change to survive and thrive reach out to reputable managed service providers, like Centerpoint IT, to overhaul their IT infrastructure. If you’re looking for greater efficiency, lower costs and superior customer experiences, we can help.

How Many Companies are Working on Digital Transformation Projects?

Of the 274 IT managers surveyed:

  • 93% say their organizations are planning or will plan for digital transformation projects in the near future
  • 7% say they’ve completed a digital transformation strategy
  • 22% are implementing one
  • 48% are developing one

While the scope and focus of digital transformation vary by industry and company, one thing is clear. Companies that don’t invest in improving their digital solutions may well be left behind.

What’s at Stake?

The main drivers of many digital transformation projects include:

  • Growth opportunities in emerging markets
  • Changing customer preferences for digital access and interactions
  • Changing employee preferences for digital access and interactions
  • Competitive pressure

KPMG advises organizations looking to drive digital transformation through automation to “develop a risk strategy utilizing innovative digital technologies and advanced machine learning. Few [organizations] are adequately leveraging automation (robotic process automation, cognitive/intelligent automation (IA) technologies and data and analytics (D&A) even when the rest of the organization is.”

All major changes come with a share of risk. However, increasingly, CIOs, CTOs and CISOs are realizing that it’s far riskier to ignore the benefits of digital transformation. Let us help you evaluate your current IT solutions and roadmap solutions that produce real results.

What Are the Top Concerns of CIOs Looking to Strengthen Their IT Infrastructure?

Here are the top five concerns of CIOs:

  • Cybersecurity risks (53%)
  • Need for flexible IT infrastructure (40%)
  • Risk and compliance concerns (36%)
  • Budget constraints (34%)
  • Resistance to any form of change (32%)

Whether your top concern is cybersecurity or redesigning portions of your networks, Centerpoint IT can provide the best network engineers, cybersecurity experts and other IT professionals in Atlanta. Contact us today to learn more.