Meet Bill Schwarz of CEO Alliance In Atlanta

Learn Leadership Development and Other Growth-Driving Strategies for Your Business in Atlanta

On September 25th, 2017, a very special meeting will take place that will present and discuss many topics relevant to business growth and development. The primary focus of this free event will be on Leadership Development in small, growing companies, but will also feature much more that will make it worth your while as a business owner or executive stakeholder of an Atlanta-area organization.

Want to Know How to Focus Your Business Goals for Better Results?

Join the Centerpoint IT services team on Sept. 25 for an inclusive leadership coaching event, brewery tour, and book author signing! After all, what’s better than a brewery tour and a celebrated business author offering leadership training all in the same meet-up?

Bill Schwarz of CEO Alliance, and author of The Generative Organization: Going From Reactive Behavior to Inspired Performance will be presenting his business-building insights and delivering proven strategies that you can put to work right away in your business.

What Are Our Leadership Development Event Details?

Date: 9/25/17
Time: 2:00– 5:00 pm (Snacks and beverages will be served)
Place: Abbey of the Holy Goats Brewery in Alpharetta GA
Cost: FREE

Sign up now by registering using the form on our Organizational Leadership Development Event Page.

You don’t want to miss Bill’s talk. These concepts will help you drive progress in your business!

What’s Bill Going to Talk About?

Topics pertaining to organizational leadership Mr. Schwarz will be discussing will include those on how to:

  • Increase gross margins.
  • Reduce overhead and expenses.
  • Transform your current way of doing business.
  • Gain competitive advantage.
  • Remove limits on growth.
  • Increase production capacity.
  • Become best-in-class in customer service and operations.

These will be unique and differentiated ideas for growth…not merely rehashed ideas.

Join the Centerpoint Team Monday, Sept. 25 from 2:00 to 5:00 PM For a Unique, FREE Leadership Event, Brewery Tour, and Book Signing by Filling Out The Form on Our Organizational Leadership Event Page Now.

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Centerpoint IT will never sell, rent, share or distribute your personal details to/with anyone. In addition, we will never spam you. We believe in only super-professional behavior and communications with even our prospective clientele.

A Preview of the Event – About Bill Schwarz

“When even a little reactive behavior exists, it can wipe out your competitive advantage… Leave your old ideas about organizational leadership behind and build a focus-driven company.” ~ Bill Schwarz

Bill Schwarz is an internationally recognized expert in the design and implementation of organizational growth strategies. His innovative work in building learning organizations, change, leadership, and quality has made him highly sought-after as a popular keynote speaker, and as a consultant and advisor to many Fortune 500 companies. He also serves on the board of several rapid­growth organizations.

After a distinguished 30­year career, including successfully running his own businesses, founding and directing two Executive MBA programs in Organizational Leadership and Change, building an interactive satellite television network for business and working with CEOs to transform their own organizations, Bill formed the CEO Alliance and established The Center for Inspired Performance.

The Center for Inspired Performance is designed to be embedded into an organization. Its focus is on achieving a competitive advantage through the design and execution of growth strategies and core competency development. The idea is for CEOs to align their organizations around their highest leverage points to achieve an optimum rate of growth and create inspired performance within their companies.

How to Get a Free Copy of Bill’s Book

We are delighted to be able to give all our attendees a free, personalized copy of Bill’s book The Generative Organization: Going from Reactive Behavior to Inspired Performance.

And, as an added bonus, representatives from Storagecraft will be briefly speaking about industry trends in Data Backup and Business Continuity. This information is especially valuable in light of the current destructive hurricane season.

Praise for Bill Schwarz’ Book

“Bill Schwarz has written a masterpiece. This book is full of the wisdom essential for a leader who wants to do it right and correct all past wrongs. The reader is able to look within and self­reflect in a way that changes the way an executive thinks about and sees the world of running a business. You will come away with a totally new, very powerful and inspiring way of leading. I could not put it down. For any leader who wants to know how to navigate their organization through change and get out of reactive behavior to achieve greatness and a competitive advantage, this is your book. This is a must read, over and over. Each time you read it, it will take you to a deeper place within yourself that will ground you in powerful principles and irrefutable laws and truths. Don’t just read it, Live IT!”

Larry Callahan 
CEO, Pattilo Construction 

And, that’s just one tribute on a long list of accolades for Bill Schwarz’ book (which you will get a free copy of)!

So, what are you waiting for?

Don’t miss out on this rare chance to meet and learn from Bill Schwartz!

Free event, free book…A Brewery, Business Insights, and Business Continuity – This event is definitely worth your time!

Have any questions? Call us at (404) 781-0200 or email us for more information on this event or any of our IT services, and…