Back-Up Disaster Recovery: Other Types of IT Setbacks

In the previous post, we discussed a few big things that can happen to your IT system. These events have consequences ranging from temporary loss of data and connectivity to a complete informational meltdown. At best, they’re inconvenient. At worst, your business could potentially come to a screeching halt.

But there’s no reason to live in fear. There are steps you can take beforehand to make sure your company is protected against these types of disasters. Remember, a little preparation is better than a lot of time wasted doing damage control.

Check out last week’s post for large and medium-scale disasters. The following smaller setbacks can also cause big delays.


These are hardware and software issues, including but not limited to experiencing a surge, static or dust affecting your hardware, having a defective product or simply having an existing product die out due to age or overuse. It’s also possible that your equipment is being stored in a place that is too hot, too cold or not properly ventilated. This, too, can affect your hardware.

When it comes to software, code is interacting all the time. Sometimes a one and a zero will get switched around and cause a malfunction. Other times, files become corrupt and need to be restored. If something harmful is introduced into your system, it can take a lot of time to get things back the way they were.

Human Error – Most Minor

We’ve all done it before. Right after completing an important presentation or staying up all night to finish a term paper, we click the wrong button and boom. It’s gone.

Next to sleeping through an important meeting or rear-ending the car in front of you, this is one of the worst feelings in the world. Backing up your data can help ensure that you never lose anything important again.

Things happen, but they don’t have to set your business back for days or even weeks. In the next post, we’ll discuss the importance of having a back-up plan and how Centerpoint IT can get you there.