Back-Up Disaster Recovery: How to Avoid a Data Loss Catastrophe

Your stomach drops and your heart seems to freeze mid-beat. You click and switch everything you can think of in a desperate attempt to undo that which you know is already irreversible. It’s the dreaded feeling of crashing, the knowledge that you may have lost valuable information that is essential to the prosperity of your business.

Now imagine that moment is no longer a disaster, but a momentary setback. Rather than crashing your head into the keyboard, you sigh, pick up the phone and call your friendly IT consultant. Ten minutes later, you’re back on track, no data lost and no permanent damage done.

It can be done. With the right system, a solid back-up plan can be almost as good for your heart health as regular cardio. Centerpoint IT takes a layered approach to backing up data, so we (and our clients) will never be taken off guard. Over the next several posts, we’ll discuss the different things that can happen to your system. Then, we’ll tell you what you can do to protect yourself.

You can’t prevent things from happening, but preparation can ensure that the damage is minimal.

The Different Levels of “Disasters”

The term “disaster” can apply to a lot of things in IT. At the risk of sounding like a “scare you straight” after-school special, there’s quite a lot that can go wrong with your company’s software and hardware. Here are a few reasons, disguised as possible situations, why having a back-up plan is so incredibly important.


This includes natural disasters such as tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, fire or other events that could potentially destroy your on-site technology. While they’re not incredibly common, they do happen, and they can be catastrophic for your business.


Sometimes a city-wide power outage can wipe out files or other types of data. Other times, simple loss of internet connectivity can have consequences for a spreadsheet or presentation that you’re sharing with a client or coworker via the network. These are more common, and it certainly helps to be prepared.

Check back next time for the more common, but no less infuriating, small and minor-scale setbacks to your system.