Advanced Phone Systems Improve Customer Service and Satisfaction


Atlanta businesses with multiple offices, remote workers or mobile workforces face complex working conditions, which can make communication and coordination difficult. We know because we are one of those businesses, and we use technology to overcome those challenges.

Our solutions allow workers from any location to perform their daily duties easily – as though they were sitting in the same building. Our systems enable you to retain all the advantages of a corded office phone system for every employee, no matter where they are on the planet. The operational improvements can be dramatic, particularly for smaller companies where key knowledge-holders are typically on the move just when you need them.

Let’s say you are looking for funding that will take your company to the next phase of its development – from the confines of the city of Atlanta to the rest of Georgia. Your CEO is out at lunch with a prospective hire, when an investor calls to inquire about the company. The CFO answers as many questions as possible, but the investor is looking for a deeper understanding of the company’s vision. The chief is an absolute necessity.

A traditional phone system would introduce a hiccup into the line of communication. Either you would need to give the investor a phone number, requiring hang up and then redial. Or the CFO would be required to essentially take a message and promise a call-back.

Our phone solution allows you to 3-digit dial anyone on your team regardless of location and conference as though they were in the office. Customer service at that point would be a simple matter of dialing the CEO into the call, making the connection and then hanging up. The CEO could be in Europe, and the connection would still be quickly established with good call quality. Our system allows you to use their desktop, an iPad, headset, whatever device they your employee/executive has at the time.

In our personal experience, we have found the improvement in customer service crucial in retaining our clients and growing our revenue sustainably.