6 Technologies Atlanta Business Owners Need To Know

As technology continues to reconstruct how we conduct our businesses, it's easy to feel like you're falling behind or missing something. Not to worry, this blog will keep you updated on the most popular and effective technology solutions that are propelling business owners to new heights. 

6 Technologies Atlanta Business Owners Need To Know

As technology continues to reconstruct how we conduct our businesses, it’s easy to feel like you’re falling behind or missing something. Not to worry, this blog will keep you updated on the most popular and effective technology solutions that are propelling business owners to new heights.

Upgrading to a VoIP Telephone System

Good communication systems are vital to the survival of any business, regardless of its size. VoIP (voice over internet protocol) is a system that provides a cheaper solution to ordinary landlines by allowing calls to be made over an internet connection.

It also lets you pick calls from any device you choose with a virtual phone number. For instance, you can pick calls from your laptop in Georgia using a number with Atlanta’s area code. A huge plus is making conference calls is an added benefit of the service, not a feature you have to pay for.

Depending on the VoIP service, you can have your voicemails and faxes sent to your email so you can access them or forward them to anyone at any time.

Mobile Responsive Websites

The majority of the population usually logs on to the internet from their mobile phones. It throws people off when they have to keep zooming in or scrolling horizontally on sites whose layouts don’t suit mobile viewing.

Users want to spend the least amount of time looking for a service or answers online, so investing in this tech will help them maneuver easier on your website regardless of the device they’re using.

If your site is not optimized for all types of screens, it will eventually start being ranked lower in Google search results.

When potential leads have a good time on a site, they’ll also be more likely to trust the services you offer.

Advanced Data Security Services

The more technology solutions we use in our businesses, the more at risk we put ourselves to cybercrime attacks. Business owners should value confidentiality over anything, so they should invest in top of the line security software and professionals to keep their companies’ data safe.

Any leak could sink the company, breaking the trust they have with their loyal customers. Or worse, hackers could unleash virus attacks to bring computer systems down or implant spyware to keep track of the organization’s activities undetected.

Cloud-based Services

These services allow for total collaboration in the workplace. You can upload all of your files to the cloud so relevant people can access them whenever they want. This has opened avenues where people can work from home or even on the commute to work.

You can also easily onboard partners in different locations by simply providing them with the link to your files. Advanced forms of this technology allow people to work on projects in real-time on the cloud, where they can discuss as they go along.

You could also use a cloud computing model that hosts the daily tasks that employees are supposed to carry out in order of urgency. This way, nothing falls through the cracks.

This tech’s scalability also gives businesses the chance to efficiently expand their enterprise without making further investments in physical infrastructure. The tech also regularly gets updated to include the latest versions with improved security and computer processing power.

Search Engine Optimization

While paid advertising and social media usually generate traffic, search engines remain the major traffic drivers online. Organic search results tend to appear more trustworthy to users online, and they usually receive more clicks than paid ads. Users have grown to trust that the search engine is more capable of highlighting content that answers their questions.

SEO entails properly optimizing your content such that the search engines will have an easier time ranking its usefulness to consumers. When done correctly, you’ll receive a constant traffic flow to your site over time with little to no need for advertisement.

It’s good to note that there are two types of SEO – white hat SEO and black hat SEO. White hat SEO means SEO techniques that are meant to ultimately provide more value to the user. Black hat SEO entails techniques that are intended to trick search engines so a website can rank highly.

Seeing as many agencies offer SEO services, you should choose a reputable company whose SEO techniques are ethical and won’t lead to your site being pulled out of search results.

Email Marketing Services

83% of consumers have stated that they would rather hear from the brands they like via email. There’s a certain professionalism that good emails carry which can’t be achieved on other forms of social media.

However, it’s important to write relevant emails and to space them out, so customers don’t feel like they’re getting spammed. You could also use catchy titles, so they open and interact with your content more often.

Collecting users’ information from mailing lists can better help you understand your customers’ demographic. This way, you can tailor your services or products to fit their needs further and address their pain points. Customers who feel like a brand understands them are more likely to become loyal.

You have the option of asking people who visit your site to join your mailing list, or you can get extensive mailing lists from trade groups or brokers.

Email marketing is here to stay, especially since it’s so easy to track performance. Service providers offer reporting tools that can show you which emails get the most engagement and how the customers interact with them.

Advancements allow you to add tracking to your email code so you can analyze email data and track performance on Google Analytics for an extended period of time.

If you’re looking to implement any one of these tech solutions and more, we are more than ready to help you actualize your vision.

We understand how hard it is to find a company that offers these solutions at affordable prices, especially for medium-sized and small businesses. That’s why our team is devoted to making partnerships that allow our solutions to remain cost-friendly. Please reach out to learn more or to ask any questions you might have.