Have you ever grabbed a can of soup out of your cupboard at home to make yourself some lunch only to discover that it’s “best before” date had passed a month ago?
Have you ever grabbed a can of soup out of your cupboard at home to make yourself some lunch only to discover that it’s “best before” date had passed a month ago?
We’ve all had the experience, I’m sure.
So what kind of person are you?
Are you the “stay on the safe side” kind of person that throws out the can and switches plans for lunch?
Or are you the “it’s not a problem” kind of person that throws caution to the wind and makes up the soup to eat anyway?
No judgment here.
It’s just soup.
But what happens if it’s more than a little food poisoning at stake?
What if it’s the data that your business relies on in order to function?
If your data storage solution is past it’s “best before” date, you could be in for an expensive surprise when you go to use those files one day.
Well, your documents, spreadsheets, and databases are all made up of a complex string of ones and zeros. If your data storage system is out of date, the possibility of the files becoming corrupted escalates dramatically.
Here’s the question.
How confident are you that your data is safely stored and can be recovered in a usable state?
According to the most recent available figures, 55.7% of Atlanta businesses may be at risk because their business backup systems are out of date.
That’s scary.
Today’s businesses are not like the companies of the past that could operate from photocopied notes off the boss’s daily calendar.
We live in an interconnected, information-fueled economy.
If you don’t have verifiable access to your company’s backups, you better hope that your operational data doesn’t become compromised.
What could compromise operational data? – A whole lot of scenarios.
There’s more that could negatively impact your operational data than many business owners assume.
So, what’s the answer?
Managed IT Services companies, such as Centerpoint IT, make IT simple for you by providing backup plans that are:
Let’s start with the most ancient and work our way up to more recent – but still out of date – backup strategies.
Backups matter!
Because your backups ARE your business.
Without your backups, your business is just one power surge or ransomware attack away from going out of business.
Think about it with me for a minute.
If a hacker uses ransomware against your company and takes all of your files, spreadsheets, documents, photos, and databases hostage. You’ve only got three choices.
Choice #2 is looking pretty good right now, isn’t it?
What did the old people use to say?
They had it right!
Partnering with the Centerpoint IT team to provide your business with managed, verifiable, encrypted, offsite backup is a far better choice than risking it all with a business data backup that may or may not be there for you when you need it.
Ready to learn more about Centerpoint IT and business continuity strategy? We have some outstanding articles for you HERE.
Call our business managed IT services department directly at (404) 777-0147 or simply fill out this form and we will get in touch with you to set up a getting-to-know-you introductory phone call.
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We are turning 15 and want to celebrate this milestone with you because without you this would not have been possible. Throughout this year look for special promotions on services and tools aimed at Making IT Simple for You so you can focus on your business.
We are turning 15 and want to celebrate this milestone with you because without you this would not have been possible. Throughout this year look for special promotions on services and tools aimed at Making IT Simple for You so you can focus on your business.