5 Reasons to Pay More for IBM Storage Area Networks (SANs)


IBM has entered the SMB market and is changing the game for small businesses.

The move into the SMB market is particularly exciting because the level of sophistication and features of the new SMB products is equal to those offered to enterprises.

Enterprise-class solutions for SMBs. Believe it. We have been so excited about this stuff, that we have written 7 blogs about IBM’s Storage Area Networks (SANs), which have the same controllers as those used for enterprise SANs. The software, features, and functionality are the same.

Enterprise-class solutions for SMBs. In the last 6 blogs, we have written about many of the most thrilling features and advantages of IBM SANs. So it is about time to wrap things up and present a full case.

Advantages of IBM Storage Area Networks (SANs) and Why IBM SANs Make up for the Price Difference

  1. Easy Tier – The IBM controller automatically observes how often you use each file or program. Then it automatically allocates data to the most appropriate storage type. Drives with quicker access times receive frequently used information, and unused files are sent to the slower drives.
  2. Thin Provisioning – A more efficient way of using storage space, thin provisioning allocates less data to your servers without sacrificing performance or functionality. It supports a denser storage space and essentially gives you more storage for the cost.
  3. FlashCopy – This exciting feature allows you to take an image of your disk space instantly, anytime. FlashCopy adds functionality to your Backups or Data Recovery plan, but you should read this article to see what the restrictions are, and how FlashCopy should be used.
  4. NAS or SAN – No matter how many advanced features IBM has, and how many efficiency gains, the price point is still higher than certain alternatives. Network Area Storage (NAS) is one alternative. Know the general differences between NAS and SAN, as well as how drive slots influence performance.
  5. Backwards Compatibility – IBM engineers its products to work with each other and takes a modular approach to IT. This allows you to improve your solution, as needed, without fear of losing your initial investment.

IBM is not always the best solution. Every business has unique needs, so you should always consult with a trusted IT advisor before making a purchase decision. Feel free to call us to ask for advice. We love to help!