Don’t Copy & Paste This Dangerous Text

Date: 11th July 2024, Category: Atlanta IT Service Articles, Author: Chris Chao

A new warning for Google Chrome users has emerged, carrying a critical yet straightforward piece of advice: avoid copying and pasting unfamiliar text into your terminal or run dialog box. This advice comes from cybersecurity firm Proofpoint, which has identified a new technique cybercriminals are using to spread malware. The Nature of the Threat Proofpoint has reported an increase in social engineering attacks that trick users into copying and pasting malicious PowerShell scripts. These scripts are designed to infect computers with malware. Multiple threat actors are using this method, which […]

Boost Your Smartphone Security: Why the FBI Advice Regular Reboots Matter

Date: 4th July 2024, Category: Atlanta IT Service Articles, Author: Chris Chao

Have you ever considered why your smartphone might benefit from a regular reboot? The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) advises a simple yet effective practice: regularly rebooting your phone. This recommendation, backed by cybersecurity experts, plays a crucial role in maintaining your device's security and integrity. The Importance of Regular Reboots Our smartphones contain a treasure trove of personal data—from contacts and photos to sensitive financial information. Protecting this data goes beyond traditional cybersecurity measures; it involves adopting proactive habits that can mi […]

Is Your Business At Risk For Cyber Fraud?

Date: 13th June 2024, Category: Atlanta IT Service Articles, Author:

In an era where online transactions reign supreme, the threat of cyber fraud looms large over businesses and consumers alike. While factors like the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated the shift towards digital commerce and communication, the underlying risks associated with cyber fraud have been steadily growing for years. From fake booking scams in the hospitality industry to sophisticated ransomware attacks targeting healthcare providers, the landscape of cybercrime is vast and ever-evolving. Fraud Plagues Every Industry Hospitality: The hospitality industry faces a myriad of cyber threats […]

Preparing for a Cyber-Safe Vacation

Date: 13th June 2024, Category: Atlanta IT Service Articles, Author: Chris Chao

As May rolls around, the warmth of summer beckons, and for many of us, thoughts turn to vacation planning. Whether you're dreaming of sandy beaches, bustling city streets, or serene mountain retreats, the anticipation of an upcoming getaway is undeniably exciting. But as you start envisioning your perfect escape, it's essential to consider a factor that might not be top of mind: cybersecurity. While you may not be lounging on a beach chair just yet, taking proactive steps to ensure your cyber safety while planning your vacation can save you from potential headaches down the road. From secur […]

Passwords: Our Primary Defense Against Cyber Threats – A New Era of Cybersecurity

Date: 13th June 2024, Category: Atlanta IT Service Articles, Author: Chris Chao

Passwords are our primary defense against cyber threats. Yet, many of us fall into the trap of using generic, easy-to-remember passwords, compromising our security. This blog will delve into the risks associated with generic passwords, what US and Canadian businesses and users should understand about the UK's new ban on weak default passwords, and strategies for creating robust, secure passwords. The Problem with Generic Passwords When setting up new internet-connected devices, it's common to encounter default passwords like Admin or 12345. These generic passwords are convenient but offer li […]

The Importance of Updating Your DMARC Policy for Enhanced Email Security

Date: 4th June 2024, Category: Atlanta IT Service Articles, Author: Chris Chao

Email remains a primary communication tool for both personal and professional use, but it also continues to be a significant vector for cyber attacks. Recently, the FBI and NSA have emphasized a crucial step that all email users and administrators should take to bolster their email security: updating your DMARC policy. This recommendation comes in light of new security measures implemented by Google to protect Gmail users, highlighting the broader importance of domain authentication in preventing email-based threats. Understanding DMARC DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & […]

IT Support Service in Atlanta

Date: 18th April 2024, Category: Atlanta IT Service Articles, Author: Chris Chao

In the bustling cityscape of Atlanta, businesses thrive on the backbone of strong IT support. Comprehensive IT managed services have become essential for companies looking to maintain competitive. Centerpoint IT has established itself as a pivotal player in this arena, offering an array of services aimed at enhancing business operations and ensuring optimal performance of IT infrastructure. Their approach includes proactive IT consulting, where they address potential issues before they become disruptive problems. The expertise of Centerpoint IT spans over a decade, catering to the unique te […]

Why Smalls Businesses Need to Be Careful with AI

Date: 11th April 2024, Category: Atlanta IT Service Articles, Author: Chris Chao

7 AI Risks You Need To Be Aware Of From concerns regarding data privacy to ethical considerations, let's explore a comprehensive array of reasons why businesses need to exercise caution when employing AI for text generation. 1. Data Privacy and Security Risks AI text generation often involves feeding substantial amounts of data into algorithms, raising concerns about data privacy and security. Businesses must ensure that sensitive information, such as proprietary data or customer details, remains safeguarded from unauthorized access or breaches. Failure to implement robust security measures […]

What AI Text Generators Can Do For Small Businesses

Date: 1st April 2024, Category: Atlanta IT Service Articles, Author: Chris Chao

AI text generators have emerged as powerful tools that can streamline various aspects of content creation, saving time and resources while enhancing the overall quality and effectiveness of communication strategies. Have you harnessed its capabilities yet? Let’s explore five key use cases where AI text generators can make a significant impact, ranging from content creation for social media to email marketing campaigns, blog post generation, customer support responses, and product descriptions and reviews. Each use case highlights the specific challenges that small businesses often face […]

How To Protect Your Business Against Ransomware

Date: 19th March 2024, Category: Atlanta IT Service Articles, Author:

Ransomware remains one of the most pervasive and financially damaging cyber threats facing businesses of all sizes. With cybercriminals constantly refining their tactics and targeting organizations across various sectors, the risk of falling victim to a ransomware attack has never been higher. However, by implementing robust cybersecurity measures and adopting a proactive approach to defense, businesses can significantly reduce their susceptibility to ransomware and safeguard their critical assets. Understanding Ransomware Ransomware is a malicious form of software designed to infiltrate […]

Managed IT Services: A Guide for Atlanta Businesses of All Sizes

Date: 14th March 2024, Category: Atlanta IT Service Articles, Author:

Managed IT Services: A Guide for Atlanta Businesses of All Sizes Managed IT services are becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes in Atlanta, GA. In today's world, technology is a crucial component of any business, and companies need reliable and efficient IT support to keep their operations running smoothly. Managed IT services provide a comprehensive solution to meet all of a business's technology needs, from network security to data backup and recovery. Understanding Managed IT Services is the first step in evaluating whether it is the right fit for your business. Man […]

Business IT Services in Atlanta, GA: Streamline Your Company’s Technology

Date: 14th March 2024, Category: Atlanta IT Service Articles, Author: Chris Chao

Atlanta, GA is a hub for businesses of all sizes and industries. With a thriving economy and a diverse range of companies, it's no surprise that there is a high demand for reliable and efficient IT services in the area. Business IT services in Atlanta, GA are essential for companies to stay competitive and achieve their goals. From managed IT services to cybersecurity, IT support companies in Atlanta offer a wide range of services to meet the unique needs of businesses. These services can help companies improve their operations, increase productivity, and reduce downtime. With the right IT […]